Plat Notes

This list of Civil War Veterans is a subset of the larger plat list for those who have particular interest in the Civil War period.

Each of the plats begins with its number. The letters which may follow the numbers, such as A, B, and R have the following meaning:

R - reserved
A - additional
B - additional

You will not find any data on the plats with an R on the end as the intended resident has not arrived yet (as far as we know)


sidebar2 Content

Reserved for possible future use or it may not be in the final page at all.


Plat # Last name First name
383 Alexander John O.
95 Alexander S.D.
660 Barnette. Robert C.
668 Barnette William P.
1398 Black Thomas A.
738 Bryant Henry
1208 Downs J.T. (John T.)
129 Downs William Henry
646 Dunn S.W. Thomas
643 Fincher John Edward
652 Grey Richard Thomas
634 Grier John Calvin
636 Grier Robert H.
109 Matthews Esra McGill
103 McGinnis John Patterson
624 McKee Elias Alexander
606 Nelson Thomas J.
51 Porter John Zephaniah
989 Rea David J.
647 Rea J.K.
942 Rea James M.
92 Rea John L.
144 Reid Anzi G.
615 Reid John
663 Ross J. Newell
1232 Ross John P.
394 Squires Thomas Austin
644 Stitt James Morrison
952 Stitt Richard H.
169 Vail Thomas Lodowick